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Non-Profit Straight Forward Nutrition Facts!
Ingrediant List E-F
Enriched Flour: Processed and Refined. Stripped of Nutrients for shelf life. Often containing synthetic nutrients that are added back after processing (getting rid of nutrients). Nutrients are poorly absorbed by body anyways since your body needs the natural form of food. Often Sprayed. (1920's) All flours/grains/gluten free not preferred for weight loss and many other benefits. If you do eat wheat, choose whole wheat. If gluten free, find 100% whole grain choices. Ancient grains including Quinoa and Oatmeal is better for your overall body in many ways. Contact for additional questions or knowledge. ORGANIC PREFERRED IF CHOSEN(7/7)
Side Effects: Blood Sugar, Celiac Disease, Inflammation, Food Craving, Metabolic Slowdown, GI Disorders, Food Alergies/Intolerances, Obesity, Digestive Issues, Chronic Disease, Acidic, etc.
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