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The Lists

Ingrediants "Accepted" will be in green. These are ingredients completely safe for your body. You can find many sources agreeing.
Ingredients "Controversal" will be in orange. These are ingredients where sources display different information and could be considered Undecided but more likely, "Take it how you wish". Or Good/Bad. (Pluspikes may list)
Ingredients "Harmful" will be in red. These are ingredients considered to be harmful for your body. You can find many sources agreeing.
Ingredients "Undecided" will be in purple. These are ingredients where perhaps the sources do not show specifically if the ingredient is harmful. The sources are not able to decide themselves. Pluspots may go about the ingredient. (Pluspikes of Pluspots may list)
An Ingredient that "Depends" will be in blue. These are ingredients that have a requirement for an action. An action of which would be other than "Depends". (Pluspikes may list)
Pluspikes help show results of an ingrediant to why it may Controversal, Undecided or Depends. Pluspikes will look like little health +'s next to an ingrediant. A Pluspike may also link to a Pluspot Post about an ingrediant. The Pluspikes of Pluspots would be in italic, bold and underlined.
Ex. Calculator: + + + + + +
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