Introducing YroCNutrition(YCN)
Hello Reader(s), my name is Cory Endrulat. I am 15 years old during this writing and therefore I would like to tell more about myself. I have now become the author of YroCNutrition otherwise known as YCN or Why See Nutrition.
I have made this site following 4 years of research, to not only keep myself organized but to help out others in a more favorable, organized way of nutrition. Keep in mind that everything I say is backed up upon research. If you think not, you may research yourself. If you have a contradiction, you may object in the contact part of this site. Be known I have once taken a Nutrition Course in 2014, and the researching never stops!
I have figured to optimise a nutrition website that shows a list of ingrediants, its side effects as well as its controversial views. Sometimes I will mention unhumane companies like Monsanto or companies who promote their studies like General Mills, to heavy metals and how to avoid the things you never knew about. Even if you have some experience in knowledge, its always good to spread awareness. Maybe let me know? Feel free to speak freely to me upon this website, for its my own project that I wish to help others in nutrition.
There are times where the corperates and nation ruling companies take charge and mess up the world health with governmental sidings but I keep true to just telling the truth. I am not here for you to be paid or go against anyone of food activism, I am here to help spread awareness as I wish you to do as well. I may be looking in nutrition "often" but it doesn't mean I will become a nutritionist. IT IS GOOD TO PAY ATTENTION TO YOUR HEALTH. Being so young, all my friends can disagree and not care. Even when they understand something, they keep doing their habits and so much is hidden from them.
I want people, all people, to grow up healthy and right. Many times I was suggested to make a teen nutrition site, but to be honest, I just want a plain out organized site for myself and others I wish to spread awareness to.
Many things are looked upon differently in society and I WILL understand your views on any topic of matter, please understand this. I know companies can be out of hand and unhumane at times but although I "dislike" them with often much "hate", I believe there is always good out there. There is always one above Monsanto. There is always one above government. Is it money? perhaps thats the biggest deal, but sometimes companies are forced to do things. Its a hard economy, tis a hard life... Please take consideration that your only spreading awareness upon the facts you hear. Many media/social sites also show wrong information. Yes, that includes news sites, if not local. Can we come to conclusion that the world often runs on money? Then yes, there are people to blame, but I am not a violent person. All I am trying to say is that although I can show hate towards companies at times, I will never show hate against anybody in the true life. As in star wars, anger and hate is the path to the dark side.
I understand you, hopefully you can understand me. Whatever the cause, we can make it better. We the people... Government relies upon people. You are the power of all things, you have a word in the nation, but don't let it get out of hand. Watch yourself, watch what you can about the nation, watch what you eat and spread awareness if you wish. Don't you want farms with healthy enviornments and no disputes? Food, that is trusted to the maximum without a percentage of the nation in disagreement? Everything can be controversial, if you make it like that.. Thats also a tip to the FDA.
- Thanks, Cory E. (YCN Author)
*Note: Site under construction*